illustration of a mother and daughter holding hands and crossing the street

Pedestrian Safety

The goal of the Look Out Asotin County educational campaign was to increase community awareness of the need for drivers to yield for walkers and rollers to allow their safe passage on the Bridge and Diagonal Street corridors. These corridors have daily traffic counts between 10,000 and 18,000 vehicles daily with 6 crosswalks in less than one-third of a mile. The majority of accidents that involve pedestrians are a result of inattentive driving, driving while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, and failing to yield.

Be a Safe Pedestrian

Cross Only at Crosswalks

Wait for the walk signal or cross with the light.

Make Sure the Driver Sees You

Make eye contact with the driver and wait until they come to a complete stop.

Be Predictable, Follow the Rules

Don't run across the road or cross against the signs or lights.

Pedestrian Safety Campaign

Our Pedestrian Safety Campaign grant was sponsored by the Washington State Traffic Commission. Partner agencies for this campaign included City of Clarkston Police Department, Asotin County, Asotin County Community Services, Clarkston Public Works Department and the Lewis-Clark Metropolitan Planning Organization.

Commission Meeting Agenda

Pedestrian Accidents Can be Deadly

Alcohol and drugs, speeding, distracted driving, and failing to yield at a crosswalk are all frequent causes of pedestrian accidents. An accessible community provides safe and convenient transportation choices to everyone whether it’s walking, rolling (bikes, scooters, wheelchairs), transit or driving. In Clarkston, Washington, there have been 8 serious injuries and 2 deaths within the last 8 years. Alcohol was a factor in all but one of these instances. Beyond devastating emotional consequences, if you hit a pedestrian or cyclist you can face fines , lose your license, incur a lawsuit, or even go to jail. A near miss is still too close and a life lost is someone’s friend and family.

Pedestrian Safety for Children

Talk to your child regularly about pedestrian safety and help him or her develop the habit of walking safely when he or she is young.

  • Young children should never cross the street without an adult.
  • Supervise your child closely.
  • Hold your child’s hand when walking along the street or in parking lots.
  • Set an example for safe pedestrian behavior. Young children learn by watching adults.
  • Be a positive role model by following (and teaching your child) these rules of the road:
  • Obey all traffic signs and signals.
  • Stop, and look left, right and left again before entering a roadway.
  • Never run into the street; always cross at the crosswalk or corner. When crossing at an intersection, pedestrians should check for vehicles turning the corner.
  • Always walk on the sidewalk. If there are no sidewalks, pedestrians should walk facing traffic.
  • Make eye contact with drivers of stopped vehicles to be sure they are aware that you are crossing the street.
  • When dropping your child off from a vehicle, make sure he or she exits the vehicle on the right hand side onto the sidewalk or shoulder.
  • Find safe places away from traffic for your child to play.

Pedestrian Safety Downloads

Find all of our campaign materials below. Simply click on the images below to download a copy.